The Top 11 Google Trends Alternatives in 2024

Google Trends is great but it often isn't enough. Here are 11 free alternatives to Google Trends. To compile this list of alternatives to Google Trends, we factored in everything from data quality and accuracy, to price and usability, and even user reviews. We've included the tools voted as the best overall Google Trends alternatives, including Glimpse, Google Ngram, Semrush, Pinterest Trends, SimilarWeb, and more.

Google Trends Supercharged

We built a Chrome extension that adds critical missing features to Google Trends. It's used by top companies – from the New York Times and Amazon to IKEA, Chanel, and Coca-Cola. Here are the specific features:

  • See absolute search volume, not just 0-100.
  • See trend trajectories: know if a topic is really trending or if it's just a fad.
  • See trend forecasts: know exactly what next year's trend will look like with 95%+ backtested accuracy.
  • Set Google Trends alerts: get alerted when topics on your watchlist grow (or decline) in popularity.
  • Check the channel breakdown of a given topic, including TikTok, LinkedIn, Reddit, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and Pinterest.
  • Discover the top trending topics in any niche or category.
  • See the complete set of long tail keywords for any topic as you do keyword research, and sort by volume, growth, CPC, and competition.
  • Get real-time longtail search data from all the top channels: Google, TikTok, YouTube, Amazon, Etsy, and more.
  • Export Google Trends data to Google Sheets
  • Check the seasonality of any topic.
  • Visualize the most relevant related keywords of any topic with a topical map.

The extension aims to solve all the top complaints about Google Trends so if you're looking for the best Google Trends alternative, check this out first.

Pinterest Trends
  • Pinterest Trends shows search activity on Pinterest over time for any keyword.


  • Visibility into another channel, with the same style as Google Trends. Some topics trend much more on certain channels. Trends also sometimes start taking off on one channel before they surge on others.


  • It's limited to the past 12 months, which makes it hard to decipher between seasonal movements and real surges in interest. Interest in the keto diet, for example, spikes every January as consumers look to set health-focused New Year's resolutions – but if you can only see the past 12 months, you wouldn't know this natural behavior that happens every year.
  • The set of keywords you can look up are limited, unlike Google Trends which lets you look up any keyword. It also restricts visibility to 38 countries, as of March 2024.

3. Google Ngram

Mentions of "download" surge in 1980 then start falling in the 2010s with the rise of the cloud

What is Google Ngram?

  • Google Ngram shows you the popularity of any keyword in books over the past 200+ years. It's like Google Trends but instead of looking at searches, it looks at books. More info on Google Ngram here.


  • 12x more historical data than Google Trends, stretching all the way back to 1800. Google Ngram is the only trends tool that shows historical data from before the internet.


  • Not real time; Multi-month to year delay. Because Google Ngram looks at text in books, and books are not published instantly, there's often a significant delay between something happening in the real world, someone writing a book about it, and it being published.
  • Google Trends is great for looking up trends you already know about, but not so great for finding new trends you don't know about. We at Glimpse maintain a database of thousands of the top trends from top business trends and entertainment trends to the latest food and beverage trends.


  • Thousands of trends in the most important categories and niches.


  • Not every trend is in the database. To see every single trend in any given niche, use the Discover section of Glimpse. There, you can search for trends in any category no matter how niche or broad, whether you're trying to find trends related to as broad a topic as food, or as niche as a topic as ketchup.
DataForSEO Trends search UI tool
  • DataForSEO recently launched a browser-based tool for experimenting with their Trends API. It predicts keyword popularity by semantically matching keywords and analyzing search rankings, page views, and engagement metrics.


  • Provides demographic and regional breakdowns.


  • Lacks absolute volume data.
  • Excludes searches with low volume and special characters.
  • Primarily a demo of their non-free Trends API.

6. SimilarWeb

SimilarWeb Chrome extension, showing the site's monthly traffic

What is SimilarWeb?

  • SimilarWeb's Chrome extension shows you the website traffic of any site over time.


  • Shows traffic data for every site that has more than ~10,000 monthly visits.
  • In addition to site traffic over time, SimilarWeb also breaks down the traffic by channel: email vs ads, social, search, and also by geography, age, and gender.


  • Accuracy: Their traffic estimation algorithms rely on sampling – tracking millions of users and extrapolating. As a result, SimilarWeb is accurate directionally, but often not very accurate in terms of absolute volume numbers. It's commonly 2-5x off in either direction. For our site, it's off by about 4x. Note that the extent of SimilarWeb's inaccuracy tends to be consistent across an industry. This is because their sample is skewed towards consumers who use browser extensions, apps, etc. meaning that, for example, tech-focused sites like TechCrunch, will have higher SimilarWeb traffic estimates than reality.
  • Limited data window: Unfortunately, SimilarWeb's free extension is limited to the past 6 months of data.

7. Semrush

Semrush dashboard

What is Semrush?

  • Semrush is a tool that can show you any website's organic search traffic over time and can also show some of the longtail variations for a given keyword.


  • Shows any website's organic search traffic, no matter how small or large.
  • Has 10 years of historical data, going back to 2012.


  • The data is not as real-time as Google Trends.
  • Semrush is unable to show the full list of longtails associated with a given query. To find the complete list, make a search with the Google Trends Supercharged extension then scroll down to the People Also Searched section.

8. Yandex Wordstat

Yandex Wordstat dashboard

What is Yandex Wordstat?

  • Yandex Wordstat is nearly identical to Google Trends, but for searches on Yandex, the world's 5th largest search engine, which is most dominant in Russia.


  • It shows exact search volume numbers, unlike Google Trends which normally only shows normalized volumes unless you have the Google Trends Supercharged extension installed


  • The Yandex search engine is used mostly in Russia, so the data is not representative of global activity.
  • Sparse data Even though Yandex is the world's 5th largest search engine, it is used about 550x less than Google, so the data – especially for longtail keywords – is often sparse.

9. Keyword Tool

Keyword Tool's Toolbar 

What is Keyword Tool?

  • Keyword Tool pulls in top searches, and their search volumes, from many of the top channels, including Google, YouTube, Amazon, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, eBay, and the App Store.


  • Significant coverage across most of the major channels.
  • Exhaustive list of longtail keywords for any given query.


  • Requires a paid account.

10. BuzzSumo

BuzzSumo Content Analyzer

What is BuzzSumo?

  • BuzzSumo is a tool geared towards content research and social listening. It allows you to identify the most shared or engaged-with content across social media channels for any given keyword or topic.


  • Provides insights into what types of content are resonating with audiences for specific keywords.
  • Gives you an understanding of social engagement, which is a different perspective compared to just search volume.


  • Limited to analyzing shares and engagement on social media, so it may not provide a full picture of overall interest in a topic.
  • Free for only 30 days, and the full feature set requires a paid subscription.

11. Mention

Mention Social Media Monitoring Dashboard

What is Mention?

  • Mention is a real-time social media monitoring or social listening tool that allows you to track mentions of any keyword across social media platforms, blogs, forums, and news websites. It's useful for tracking brand awareness, sentiment, and engagement related to specific keywords or topics.


  • Offers real-time data, which is beneficial for tracking sudden spikes or drops in keyword mentions.
  • Provides analytics on sentiment and source credibility, giving you a more nuanced understanding of how a keyword is perceived.


  • Free for only 14 days and does not provide historical data for long-term trend analysis.
  • The tool primarily focuses on mentions across social media channels and news platforms, so it doesn't provide in-depth insights or organic search metrics like search volume, longtail keywords, or related topics that Google Trends Supercharged provides.

See fascinating trends 
before they go mainstream