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What is Malatang?

Malatang is a Chinese soup that is made with spicy broth and various types of meat and vegetables. The soup is meant to be eaten as a meal or as a snack.

How fast is Malatang growing in popularity?

Interest in Malatang grew 67% over the past year, compared to the year before, putting it at a current volume of 37K searches per month, as of last month.

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Channel Breakdown

Malatang content is predominantly consumed on TikTok, which is a platform focused on short videos and user-generated content.

Top Searches Related to Malatang

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Top Questions about Malatang

  • what is malatang?
  • how to make malatang?
  • is malatang healthy?
  • is malatang vegetarian?
  • is malatang chinese?
  • is malatang good for you?
  • is malatang hot pot?
  • is malatang spicy?
  • how many calories in malatang?
  • is malatang chinese or korean?