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What is OpenPhone?

OpenPhone is a VoIP service that allows users to make and receive calls over the internet. The app allows users to connect with other OpenPhone users as well as with traditional phone numbers.

How fast is OpenPhone growing in popularity?

Interest in OpenPhone grew 33% over the past year, compared to the year before, putting it at a current volume of 8.5K searches per month, as of last month.

Related Trends

Channel Breakdown

Given that OpenPhone is a new phone service, it makes sense that it is talked about more on TikTok, where users are more likely to be early adopters of new technologies.

Top Searches Related to OpenPhone

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Top Questions about OpenPhone

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  • is openphone voip?
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  • is openphone reliable?
  • why are you interested in working at openphone?
  • is openphone secure?
  • how to record calls on openphone?
  • is openphone available in pakistan?