Grazing Platters


This trend is part of our Past Kitchen Trends collection, as it’s no longer trending.

Grazing Platters

Past Month Searches
Past Year Change

What are grazing platters?

Grazing platters are a type of appetizer that is meant to be shared. The platters typically consist of a variety of meats, cheeses, fruits, and vegetables. They are often served at cocktail parties or as a first course at a meal.

How fast are grazing platters growing in popularity?

Interest in Grazing Platters grew -20% over the past year, compared to the year before, putting it at a current volume of 668 searches per month, as of last month.

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Channel Breakdown

Grazing platters are popular on TikTok, where users can scroll through short videos of different platters and get ideas for their own events.

Top Searches Related to Grazing Platters

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Top Questions about Grazing Platters

  • how to do grazing platters?
  • what to put on grazing platters?
  • how to make grazing platters?
  • how much are grazing platters?
  • what are grazing platters?