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What is Oatside?

Oatside is a brand specializing in dairy alternatives, producing products such as oat milk, latte, barista blend, and chocolate from oats. One compelling factor leading to its increased search popularity is the rise in dietary restrictions. Many individuals have turned to oat milk as it caters to lactose intolerance and vegan diets.

How fast is Oatside growing in popularity?

Interest in Oatside grew 124% over the past year, compared to the year before, putting it at a current volume of 26K searches per month, as of last month.

Related Trends

Channel Breakdown

Oatside is talked about more on Instagram and TikTok, where users are more likely to be sharing images and videos of the product.

Top Searches Related to Oatside

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Top Questions about Oatside

  • is oatside gluten free?
  • is oatside halal?
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  • is oatside fattening?
  • is oatside oat milk healthy?
  • where to buy oatside?
  • is oatside a singapore brand?
  • is oatside dairy free?
  • who owns oatside?
  • how to store oatside?
  • where oatside from?
  • where can i buy oatside?
  • is oatside from singapore?
  • is oatside lactose free?