GHG Protocol


GHG Protocol

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What is the GHG Protocol?

The GHG Protocol, or Greenhouse Gas Protocol, is a widely-used international framework for understanding, quantifying, and managing greenhouse gas emissions. The intensifying effects of climate change have led to a rising number of companies seeking sustainable methods requiring knowledge in GHG Protocol.

How fast is the GHG Protocol growing in popularity?

Interest in GHG Protocol grew 21% over the past year, compared to the year before, putting it at a current volume of 13K searches per month, as of last month.

Related Trends

Channel Breakdown

LinkedIn is the most popular channel for discussing the ghg protocol, possibly because it is a site where professionals discuss work-related topics.

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Top Questions about GHG Protocol

  • what is ghg protocol?
  • how to calculate scope 1 emissions ghg protocol?
  • how many companies use ghg protocol?
  • how to calculate fugitive emissions ghg protocol?
  • is ghg protocol a standard?
  • what are scope 3 emissions ghg protocol?
  • is ghg protocol mandatory?
  • how to use ghg protocol?
  • how to cite ghg protocol?
  • what are scope 1 emissions ghg protocol?