Embedded Finance


Embedded Finance

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What is embedded finance?

Embedded finance is the process of financing a product or service as part of the overall product or service. This can take the form of a loan, a lease, or an installment plan. The goal is to make the product or service more affordable for the customer and to improve cash flow for the business.

How fast is embedded finance growing in popularity?

Interest in Embedded Finance grew 5% over the past year, compared to the year before, putting it at a current volume of 2.1K searches per month, as of last month.

Related Trends

Channel Breakdown

Given that LinkedIn is a site focused on business and finance, it makes sense that this would be the most popular channel for discussion of embedded finance.

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Top Questions about Embedded Finance

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  • why embedded finance is the next evolution in fintech?
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  • is embedded finance same as baas?
  • what is the other name for embedded finance?
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  • is embedded finance part of open banking?