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What is Moniepoint?

Moniepoint is an African agent-based money transfer company and banking platform that uses independent contractors (agents) who use a point-of-sale (POS) device to record transactions.

How fast is Moniepoint growing in popularity?

Interest in Moniepoint grew 40% over the past year, compared to the year before, putting it at a current volume of 138K searches per month, as of last month.

Related Trends

Channel Breakdown

Moniepoint is talked about more on Facebook and Twitter than other social media platforms. This could be because these platforms are more popular on Africa for sharing banking and finance-related content.

Top Searches Related to Moniepoint

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Top Questions about Moniepoint

  • how to get loan from moniepoint?
  • is moniepoint a bank?
  • is moniepoint a loan app?
  • is moniepoint a microfinance bank?
  • is moniepoint legit?
  • what is moniepoint?
  • who owns moniepoint?
  • is moniepoint approved by cbn?
  • how to borrow money from moniepoint?
  • what is the code for moniepoint?
  • is moniepoint insured by ndic?
  • can i borrow money from moniepoint?
  • is moniepoint licensed by cbn?
  • is moniepoint registered with cbn?
  • is moniepoint in ghana?