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What is PriceCharting?

PriceCharting is a website and app that allows users to track the prices of video games and consoles over time. The site also includes a forum where users can discuss game prices and trade games and consoles.

How fast is PriceCharting growing in popularity?

Interest in PriceCharting grew 25% over the past year, compared to the year before, putting it at a current volume of 45K searches per month, as of last month.

Related Trends

Channel Breakdown

PriceCharting is more popular on Reddit than on other social media channels. This may be due to the fact that Reddit is a platform with an active community of gamers who are discussing about video game prices.

Top Searches Related to PriceCharting

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  • pricecharting n64

Top Questions about PriceCharting

  • is pricecharting accurate?
  • is pricecharting accurate for pokemon cards?
  • is pricecharting down?
  • is pricecharting legit?
  • is pricecharting good?
  • is pricecharting safe?
  • how accurate is pricecharting?
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