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What is SingleStore?

SingleStore is a technology company that offers a unified data engine for machine learning and AI. The company offers a database based on distributed SQL architecture for data-intensive applications necessary in ML and AI applications.

How fast is SingleStore growing in popularity?

Interest in SingleStore grew 21% over the past year, compared to the year before, putting it at a current volume of 4.5K searches per month, as of last month.

Related Trends

Channel Breakdown

SingleStore content is most popular on Twitter and LinkedIn, where users are already talking mostly about work and technology.

Top Searches Related to SingleStore

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  • singlestore database
  • singlestore careers
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  • singlestore documentation
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Top Questions about SingleStore

  • is singlestore open source?
  • is singlestore a vector database?
  • what is shard key in singlestore?
  • how to create table in singlestore?
  • if else in singlestore?
  • how to check table size in singlestore?
  • how to connect to singlestore?
  • is singlestore free?
  • how to create columnstore table in singlestore?