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What is SnapGene?

SnapGene is a software program that is used for molecular biology research and designed to help researchers easily create and edit DNA sequences. The program allows users to create, edit, and analyze DNA sequences, as well as design primers and probes.

How fast is SnapGene growing in popularity?

Interest in SnapGene grew 5% over the past year, compared to the year before, putting it at a current volume of 6.6K searches per month, as of last month.

Related Trends

Channel Breakdown

A relatively new gene editing tool, SnapGene is most popular on Twitter and YouTube, where users are already talking about new technologies.

Top Searches Related to SnapGene

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  • snapgene gibson assembly

Top Questions about SnapGene

  • how to use snapgene?
  • how to align sequences in snapgene?
  • how to cite snapgene?
  • how to design primers in snapgene?
  • is snapgene free?
  • how to annotate in snapgene?
  • how to add primer in snapgene?
  • how to show amino acids in snapgene?
  • what is the purpose of snapgene?
  • how to compare sequences in snapgene?
  • is snapgene viewer free?
  • who owns snapgene?
  • how to make plasmid map in snapgene?
  • is snapgene any good?