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What is Tagrisso?

Tagrisso is a drug that is used to treat non-small cell lung cancer. It is a pill that is taken once a day and works by blocking the activity of a protein that helps the cancer cells grow.

How fast is Tagrisso growing in popularity?

Interest in Tagrisso grew 3% over the past year, compared to the year before, putting it at a current volume of 13K searches per month, as of last month.

Related Trends

Channel Breakdown

Tagrisso content is most popular on LinkedIn, where there is already a discussion around healthcare or pharmaceutical topics.

Top Searches Related to Tagrisso

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  • tagrisso lung cancer
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  • tagrisso chemo

Top Questions about Tagrisso

  • is tagrisso chemo?
  • is tagrisso chemotherapy?
  • what is tagrisso?
  • who makes tagrisso?
  • how long can you take tagrisso?
  • is tagrisso covered by medicare?
  • is tagrisso covered by insurance?
  • is tagrisso immunotherapy?
  • when tagrisso stops working?
  • is tagrisso an immunotherapy drug?
  • what is the treatment after tagrisso?
  • is there a generic for tagrisso?
  • what happens after tagrisso?
  • how to take tagrisso?
  • can tagrisso be cut in half?