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What is Turtlemint?

Turtlemint is an online insurance platform that offers bike, car, life, and health insurance. The platform aims to bring complete transparency to insurance buying and helps consumers select the best insurance plan for their needs.

How fast is Turtlemint growing in popularity?

Interest in Turtlemint grew 9% over the past year, compared to the year before, putting it at a current volume of 8.7K searches per month, as of last month.

Related Trends

Channel Breakdown

Turtlemint content is most popular on LinkedIn and YouTube. This may be because these platforms are more business-focused and LinkedIn is a site for professionals which makes it suitable for insurance-related content.

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Top Questions about Turtlemint

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  • who invested in turtlemint?
  • is turtlemint pro safe?
  • who founded turtlemint?
  • who is the ceo of turtlemint?
  • is turtlemint a good company to work for?