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What is Adapalene?

Adapalene is a medication that is used to treat acne. It is a retinoid, meaning that it is derived from vitamin A and works by unclogging pores and decreasing the amount of oil produced by the skin.

How fast is Adapalene growing in popularity?

Interest in Adapalene grew 11% over the past year, compared to the year before, putting it at a current volume of 101K searches per month, as of last month.

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Channel Breakdown

The most popular channel for discussing Adapalene is TikTok. This may be because TikTok is a more visual platform, which is conducive to skincare content and where people are more likely to share short videos of their own personal experiences using the product.

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Top Questions about Adapalene

  • is adapalene a retinol?
  • is adapalene a retinoid?
  • how long should i use adapalene?
  • is adapalene stronger than retinol?
  • is adapalene anti aging?
  • is adapalene over the counter?
  • is adapalene a steroid?
  • is adapalene an exfoliant?
  • will adapalene help with acne?
  • can i use moisturizer after adapalene?
  • is adapalene tretinoin?
  • will adapalene help with acne scars?
  • which adapalene is best?
  • can i use salicylic acid with adapalene?
  • are adapalene and differin the same thing?