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What is Tretinoin?

Tretinoin is a prescription medication that is used to treat acne. It is a form of vitamin A that helps to unclog pores and reduce the appearance of acne scars.

How fast is Tretinoin growing in popularity?

Interest in Tretinoin grew 22% over the past year, compared to the year before, putting it at a current volume of 399K searches per month, as of last month.

Related Trends

Channel Breakdown

Tretinoin is most popular on TikTok, where users are sharing videos of themselves using the product and showcasing its effects.

Top Searches Related to Tretinoin

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Top Questions about Tretinoin

  • is tretinoin a retinoid?
  • is tretinoin a retinol?
  • how to get tretinoin?
  • is tretinoin a steroid?
  • is tretinoin good for wrinkles?
  • are tretinoin and retinol the same?
  • can you use vitamin c with tretinoin?
  • is tretinoin the same as retinol?
  • will tretinoin help acne?
  • are tretinoin and adapalene the same?
  • can tretinoin be used with salicylic acid?
  • will tretinoin get rid of milia?
  • is tretinoin a topical steroid?
  • which tretinoin is the strongest?
  • are tretinoin results permanent?