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What is Budibase?

Budibase is a SaaS platform for web app development and building internal tools. The platform's features include a no-code internal database, REST API connector, form builder, design building blocks, automation, and more.

How fast is Budibase growing in popularity?

Interest in Budibase grew 1% over the past year, compared to the year before, putting it at a current volume of 3.1K searches per month, as of last month.

Related Trends

Channel Breakdown

Budibase is talked about most on Reddit, where there is an active and engaged community of users who are extremely passionate about web app development.

Top Searches Related to Budibase

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  • budibase api
  • budibase docker compose
  • budibase examples
  • budibase open source
  • budibase reddit
  • budibase templates
  • budibase tutorial
  • budibase vs retool

Top Questions about Budibase

  • what is budibase?
  • how to use budibase?
  • how to install budibase?
  • is budibase free?
  • how old is budibase?
  • is budibase open source?
  • is budibase good?