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What is smishing?

Smishing is a type of phishing attack that uses SMS messages to try to scam the recipient into revealing personal information. The messages may include a link to a fake website or a request for sensitive information.

How fast is smishing growing in popularity?

Interest in Smishing grew 1% over the past year, compared to the year before, putting it at a current volume of 26K searches per month, as of last month.

Related Trends

Channel Breakdown

Smishing is talked about mostly on YouTube and Instagram, where users are already talking about scams and fraud.

Top Searches Related to Smishing

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  • smishing meaning
  • smishing definition
  • smishing def
  • definition of smishing
  • define smishing
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  • smishing attack
  • smishing and phishing meaning
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  • smishing examples
  • smishing example
  • smishing and vishing

Top Questions about Smishing

  • what is smishing?
  • how to prevent smishing?
  • how to respond to smishing?
  • what is phishing and smishing?
  • what is vishing and smishing?
  • how to protect yourself from smishing?
  • what is the meaning of smishing?
  • what is an example of smishing?
  • how to stop smishing?
  • how to identify smishing?
  • how can you prevent smishing?
  • how to protect against smishing?
  • how to avoid smishing?
  • what does smishing?
  • how do you prevent smishing?