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What is Trulieve?

Trulieve is a Florida-based company that produces and sells medical cannabis products. The company is one of the first in the state to be licensed to do so and is known for their high-quality products.

How fast is Trulieve growing in popularity?

Interest in Trulieve grew 1% over the past year, compared to the year before, putting it at a current volume of 134K searches per month, as of last month.

Related Trends

Channel Breakdown

Trulieve is most popular on Reddit and TikTok, where users are more likely to be engaged in discussions around cannabis.

Top Searches Related to Trulieve

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Top Questions about Trulieve

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  • is trulieve a good stock to buy?
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  • is trulieve website down?
  • is trulieve open?
  • is trulieve a good company to work for?