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What is Whoop?

Whoop is a wearable device that monitors and collects data on an individual's sleep, recovery, and stress. The data is then used to create a personalized plan for improving sleep and overall health.

How fast is Whoop growing in popularity?

Interest in Whoop grew 39% over the past year, compared to the year before, putting it at a current volume of 349K searches per month, as of last month.

Related Trends

Channel Breakdown

Whoop is talked about predominantly on TikTok, where the demographic is more likely to be interested in the short videos associated with the product.

Top Searches Related to Whoop

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  • whoop definition
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  • whoop connect tablet
  • whoop login
  • whoop review

Top Questions about Whoop

  • is whoop worth it?
  • is whoop waterproof?
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  • can whoop get wet?
  • what whoop means?
  • how to charge whoop?
  • is whoop worth it reddit?
  • can whoop track steps?
  • can whoop detect sleep apnea?
  • which whoop band is best?
  • why whoop over apple watch?
  • are whoop calories accurate?
  • how whoop works?