Dirty Bulk


This trend is part of our Past Diet Trends collection, as it’s no longer trending.

Dirty Bulk

Past Month Searches
Past Year Change

What is a dirty bulk?

Dirty Bulk is a type of bodybuilding where the goal is to gain as much muscle mass as possible. The diet and training routine is focused on eating a lot of calories and lifting heavy weights.

How fast is the dirty bulk growing in popularity?

Interest in Dirty Bulk grew -7% over the past year, compared to the year before, putting it at a current volume of 2.5K searches per month, as of last month.

Related Trends

Channel Breakdown

Dirty bulk is a term that is most commonly used on TikTok, where people are searching for workout videos and diet advice. This term is least commonly used on Pinterest and LinkedIn, where users are more likely to be looking for professional advice and networking.

Top Searches Related to Dirty Bulk

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  • dirty bulk results
  • dirty bulk vs lean bulk
  • dirty bulk before and after
  • dirty bulk foods
  • dirty bulk meaning
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  • dirty bulk to cut
  • dirty bulk physique
  • dirty bulk vs clean bulk reddit
  • should i dirty bulk
  • dirty bulk meals
  • dirty bulk meme

Top Questions about Dirty Bulk

  • what is a dirty bulk?
  • is it okay to dirty bulk?
  • can you dirty bulk?
  • can i dirty bulk?
  • how to cut from a dirty bulk?
  • how long to dirty bulk?
  • how to cut after dirty bulk?
  • is dirty bulk bad?
  • what to do after dirty bulk?
  • is mass gainer dirty bulk?
  • what happens if you dirty bulk?
  • how to not dirty bulk?
  • what is clean bulk and dirty bulk?
  • how to recover from dirty bulk?
  • how do you dirty bulk?