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What is ishga?

ishga is a line of organic skincare products that are made from seaweed. The products are said to be beneficial in hydrating and protecting the skin.

How fast is ishga growing in popularity?

Interest in ishga grew 1% over the past year, compared to the year before, putting it at a current volume of 9.5K searches per month, as of last month.

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Channel Breakdown

TikTok is where most of the conversation around ishga is happening. This is likely because ishga is a new and novel product, and the videos on TikTok are creative and eye-catching, which encourages users to share them.

Top Searches Related to ishga

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  • ishga reviews
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  • ishga shampoo & body bar
  • ishga face oil
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  • ishga body scrub

Top Questions about ishga

  • who owns ishga?
  • how to pronounce ishga?
  • where can i buy ishga?