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What is Jardiance?

Jardiance is a prescription medication for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. The medication works by blocking the activity of SGLT2, a protein that removes sugar from the blood.

How fast is Jardiance growing in popularity?

Interest in Jardiance grew 17% over the past year, compared to the year before, putting it at a current volume of 254K searches per month, as of last month.

Related Trends

Channel Breakdown

The content for the drug Jardiance is predominantly shared on TikTok, where users are more likely to be sharing short, engaging videos related to their personal experience taking the drug.

Top Searches Related to Jardiance

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Top Questions about Jardiance

  • can jardiance cause weight loss?
  • what are the dangers of taking jardiance?
  • is jardiance a glp-1?
  • can jardiance cause diarrhea?
  • can jardiance cause yeast infections?
  • is jardiance better than metformin?
  • is jardiance a diuretic?
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  • is jardiance insulin?
  • is jardiance the same as ozempic?
  • is there a cheaper alternative to jardiance?
  • how to avoid yeast infections on jardiance?
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  • can jardiance and glipizide be taken together?