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What is Streamlit?

Streamlit is a Python-based open source app framework for quickly creating data-driven web applications. The SaaS platform is used to develop and deploy machine learning models and data science dashboards.

How fast is Streamlit growing in popularity?

Interest in Streamlit grew 96% over the past year, compared to the year before, putting it at a current volume of 153K searches per month, as of last month.

Related Trends

Channel Breakdown

Streamlit content is predominantly consumed on YouTube. This could be due to the fact that users are able to watch tutorial videos on how to build data applications using the platform.

Top Searches Related to Streamlit

  • streamlit python
  • streamlit app
  • streamlit application
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  • streamlit documentation
  • streamlit button
  • streamlit examples
  • streamlit authentication
  • streamlit cloud
  • streamlit github
  • streamlit tutorial
  • streamlit selectbox
  • streamlit chat
  • streamlit chatbot
  • streamlit columns

Top Questions about Streamlit

  • is streamlit free?
  • how to install streamlit?
  • how to use streamlit?
  • is streamlit open source?
  • can streamlit be used in production?
  • is streamlit secure?
  • is streamlit good?
  • is streamlit production ready?
  • why streamlit is used?
  • why use streamlit?
  • how streamlit works?
  • what is session state in streamlit?
  • why streamlit is not working?
  • why streamlit so slow?
  • is streamlit better than flask?