First Party Data

First Party Data

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What is first party data?

First party data is data that is collected by a company about its own customers. This data is often used to target ads and create customer profiles. First party data is considered to be more reliable and valuable than data collected by third parties.

How fast is first party data growing in popularity?

Interest in First Party Data grew 14% over the past year, compared to the year before, putting it at a current volume of 2.9K searches per month, as of last month.

Related Trends

Channel Breakdown

First party data is more commonly discussed on Linkedin than on other social media platforms. This may be because Linkedin is a platform for business professionals, where people are more likely to be interested in discussing data-related topics.

Top Searches Related to First Party Data

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Top Questions about First Party Data

  • what is first party data?
  • how to collect first party data?
  • why first party data is important?
  • how to use first party data?
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  • how to get first party data?
  • what is zero and first party data?
  • what core metrics are generated by twitch’s first party data?